After the death of her best friend in a drunk-driving accident, medical student Celeste Holms goes on a road trip with her boyfriend Josh, and her brother Seth to visit her estranged mother. Somewhere in the mountains the three stop at a gas station to freshen up and get snacks.
Celeste never makes it back to the car.
Josh and Seth call the police to file a missing person report but are told to wait twenty-four hours. As darkness sets in this remote and eerie area, they realize they have no choice but to play sleuths by running down a list of suspects they had met earlier in the day at the gas station and body shop next door.
With the help of the night shift gas station clerk, they end up outside the cabin house of a lone doctor. After knocking on the door several times, they decide to go inside without permission and are immediately attacked and sedated.
Josh and Seth wake up stripped to gurneys and still drugged up. They are in a room with a stranger named Jenny - also tied up - who tells them how she and her boyfriend were kidnapped by this crazy doctor who harvests young people’s vital organs then disposes of their bodies.
Celeste is found tied and bound to a gurney and facing her kidnapper, Dr. Horace. This latter explains to her that some people are worth being alive and others are not. Young people who abuse their bodies with alcohol, smoking and drugs deserve to die and donate their organs to the poor who are more de¬serving of them, and his job consists of making sure this is done.
Celeste realizes the odds she has to overcome to survive but not before she is forced to witness the death of her brother who is a known abuser of alcohol and marijuana.
Josh manages to break free and rescue Celeste but in order to stay alive and leave their prison they would need to outsmart a very astute and determined doctor who has been very successful at never letting anyone walk out of his cabin house alive.